
Get a New Set of Teeth Without Breaking the Bank

We’ve partnered with several platforms that offer flexible and affordable payment options for dental implants in Davie, FL. We will take the time to personally consult with you about the different payment options we offer and see which one is right for you.
(954) 483-3009

Benefits Of Dental Implants

Truly Comprehensive Dental Care

When it comes to tooth replacements, you have a few different options. Other than dental implants, a patient can rather receive a bridge or dentures. However, there are some disadvantages that come along with these tooth replacement alternatives. Compared to these other choices, take a look at some of the leading benefits of dental implants:
Be Healthier
Poor oral hygiene can lead to several gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis, causing your gum to swell, bleed, get infected or lose more teeth. Implants feel like natural teeth that you can brush and floss thoroughly.
Eat Comfortably
If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth and having hard time chewing, then dental implants are very much the only long-term solution that would allow you to eat, speak, and smile just like you would with a natural, full set of teeth.
Smile With Confidence
The leading reason why people proceed with dental implant procedures is because they aren’t happy with how they look. But once a procedure is complete, most patients experience a glowing smile that they love.

Understanding Dental Implants

Truly Comprehensive Dental Care

One of the best long-term solution to missing teeth is to have dental implants. Dental implants become a fixed part of your mouth and allow you to go about your daily life—people will never even know you have them. Here’s how they work:


As the tooth portion of your implant, it is designed to work like and blend in with your natural teeth.


The abutment is the connecting structure that holds the crown securely to the dental implant…


This piece integrates securely into your jaw like your natural tooth root, creating a strong bond that improves bone health…

What Are Dental Implants

A dental implant is essentially a tooth replacement. Using a device that resembles a screw, this piece is inserted into the jawbone of the patient. Then, a piece called the abutment is placed into this screw-like device. Finally, a custom-made crown is built to fit over the abutment to look and feel like a real tooth. This crown is built specifically for the patient. Using various processes, the crown is colored in a way that matches the surrounding teeth.

Start Your Journey

Choosing dental implants marks a true turning point in your life. The experienced team at Davie Designer Dental is ready and eager to embark on this journey with you.

At your first consultation, our specially trained dentist and staff will use state-of-the-art technologies to create a 3D map of your mouth. From this we’ll customize a treatment care plan

Cost Of Dental Implants

Truly Comprehensive Dental Care

Now that you know more about the different types of dental implants, including the many benefits, you now may be wondering how much dental implants cost. However, there are multiple factors that come into play when it comes to the costs of treatment. How many implants you need, what type of implant you choose, and what your dentist charges will all have an impact on the bill for a dental implant procedure. The cost of one single dental implant is typically in the $1200-$3,500 range and for multiple dental implants, you may be looking at a cost of $3000 to $8000 plus. To get the cost of having full arch dental implants in Davie, FL or an All-On-4 procedure you should book an appointment to consult with our dentists. Please note some of the list prices above may fluctuate based on each case or treatment needed.






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